
class SampleDataHelper(seed=None)

SampleDataHelper easy the random data generation for a lot of common used data types.

Number methods, max_value=sys.maxsize)

Return an integer between min_value and max_value


Return a number of n digits as max


Return a number of exactly n digits

SampleDataHelper.float(min, max)

Return a float from min to max


Return a string of n digits

Text methods


Return a character between A-Z and a-z

SampleDataHelper.chars(min_chars=1, max_chars=5)

Return a string with n characters between A-Z and a-z being min_chars <= n <= max_chars


Returns a lorem ipsum word

SampleDataHelper.words(min_words=1, max_words=5)

Return a string with n lorem ipsum words being min_words <= n <= max_words

Return an email


Return an url


Return a lorem ipsum sentence (limited to 255 caracters)


Return a lorem ipsum sentence (limited to 100 caracters)


Return a lorem ipsum sentence (with 150 caracters or more)


Return a lorem ipsum paragraph

SampleDataHelper.paragraphs(min_paragraphs=1, max_paragraphs=5)

Return a lorem ipsum text with n paragraphs being min_paragraphs <= n <= max_paragraphs

SampleDataHelper.slug(min_words=5, max_words=5)

Return a lorem ipsum slug between with n words being min_words <= n <= max_words

SampleDataHelper.tags(min_tags=1, max_tags=5, tags_list=None)

Return a string of n tags_list or lorem ipsum tags separated by commas being n max min_tags <= n <= max_tags

Time methods, end=365)

Return a date between now+begin and now+end in days

SampleDataHelper.date_between(min_date, max_date)

Return a date between the min_date and max_date date objects

SampleDataHelper.future_date(min_distance=0, max_distance=365)

Return a future date between now+min_distance and now+max_distance in days

SampleDataHelper.past_date(min_distance=0, max_distance=365)

Return a past date between now-max_distance and now-min_distance in days

SampleDataHelper.datetime(begin=-1440, end=1440)

Return a datetime between now+begin and now+end in minutes

SampleDataHelper.datetime_between(min_datetime, max_datetime)

Return a datetime between the min_datetime and max_datetime datetime objects

SampleDataHelper.future_datetime(min_distance=0, max_distance=1440)

Return a future datetime between now+min_distance and now+max_distance in minutes

SampleDataHelper.past_datetime(min_distance=0, max_distance=1440)

Return a past datetime between now-max_distance and now-min_distance in minutes


Return a time

Localized methods, number=1, as_list=False)

Return a string or list of tipical names from locale using n names (compound names)

Supported locales: cat, es, fr, us

SampleDataHelper.surname(locale=None, number=1, as_list=False)

Return a string or list of tipical surnames from locale using n surnames

Supported locales: cat, es, fr, us

SampleDataHelper.fullname(locale=None, as_list=False)

Return a string or list of tipical names+surnames from locale

Supported locales: cat, es, fr, us, country_code)

Return a phone number from a country with or without country code

Supported locales: es


Return a zip code for a country

Supported locales: es


Return a state code for the locale country.

Supported locales: es, us


Return a identification card code for a country

Supported locales: es

Image methods

SampleDataHelper.image(width, height, typ="simple")

Return an image of width x height size generated with the typ generator.

Available typ generators: simple, plasma, mandelbrot, ifs, random

SampleDataHelper.image_from_directory(directory_path, valid_extensions=['.jpg', '.bmp', '.png'])

Return an image from a directory with a valid extension

Other methods


Return a boolean value


Return a boolean value or a None


Return a ipv4 address


Return a ipv6 address


Return a mac address

SampleDataHelper.hex_chars(min_chars=1, max_chars=5)

Return a string with n characters between a-f and 0-9 being min_chars <= n <= max_chars

SampleDataHelper.path(absolute=None, extension='', min_levels=1, max_levels=5)

Return a absolute or relative path (based on absolute parameter) string finished in extension, and with n levels being min_levels <= n <= max_levels


Return a value from a list


Return a key from a django choices list

SampleDataHelper.db_object(model, raise_not_choices=True)

Return a random object from the model. If no object found and raise_not_choices is True raises NotChoicesException.

The model may also be specified as a string in the form ‘app_label.model_name’.

SampleDataHelper.db_object_from_queryset(queryset, raise_not_choices=True)

Return a random object from the queryset. If no object found and raise_not_choices is True raises NotChoicesException.