Quick start

Follow the install and configure instructions.

With Django sampledatahelper you have 2 options to populate your database

Using SampleDataFiller

Sample data filler is a command that use the SAMPLEDATAHELPER_MODELS setting variable to populate your database. Example:

    # Generate 5 instances completly random
    { 'model': 'myapp.MyModel', 'number': 5, },

    # Generate 5 instances selecting random method for some fields
        'model': 'myapp.MyModel',
        'number': 5,
        'fields_overwrite': [
            ('my_int_field', lambda _, sd: sd.int(5, 10)),

    # Generate 5 instances with fixed data in a field
        'model': 'myapp.MyModel',
        'number': 5,
        'fields_overwrite': [
            ('my_int_field', 5),

Then you only have to run:

python manage.py sampledatafiller

Using a custom sampledata command

You can create a command to fill your models manullay to take more control.

If you have some aplications to populate, you can split your sample data generation on one command per app, or add only one command in one app thats generate everything.

The file must be in <app-module>/management/commands/<command-name>.py can be something like myapp/management/commands/mysampledata.py.

The easy way to build your command is using ModelDataHelper:

from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from myapp.models import MyModel
from sampledatahelper.model_helper import ModelDataHelper
from sampledatahelper.helper import SampleDataHelper

class Command(BaseCommand):
    args = ''
    help = 'Example data generator'
    mdh = ModelDataHelper(seed=12345678901)

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        print "Generating MyModel data"
        # Generate 5 instances completly random
        self.mdh.fill_model(MyModel, 5)

        # Generate 5 instances selecting random method for some fields
                            my_int_field=lambda instance, sd: sd.int(5, 10))

        # Generate 5 instances with fixed data in a field
        self.mdh.fill_model(MyModel, 5, my_int_field=8)

You can build a more precise command using directly the SampleDataHelper:

from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from myapp.models import MyModel
from sampledatahelper.helper import SampleDataHelper

class Command(BaseCommand):
    args = ''
    help = 'Example data generator'
    sd = SampleDataHelper(seed=12345678901)

    def generate_mymodel_data(self, instances):
        for x in range(instances):
            instance = MyModel.objects.create(
                slug=self.sd.slug(2, 3),
                name=self.sd.name(2, 3),
                photo=self.sd.image(64, 64),

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        print "Generating MyModel data"

To generate your sampledata, simply run the created command, for example:

python manage.py mysampledata